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the question of hu summary

Creative and innovative He constantly held the opinion that women and men should be separated, a thorn to European flesh. It is worth noting that upon arrival to France, he gave his coat to a beggar and declared that he will do whatever possible to see the Pope. In the early 18th century a Chinese, Christian man named John Hu accompanies a Jesuit scholar (and a large collection of rare Chinese texts) to Europe. John Hu accompanied the Jesuit missionary Jean-Francois Foucquet on his trip back to France in 1721 to help him with transcribing scholarly materials, but by the time they arrived in Europe their relationship had begun to deteriorate. examination of texts and other evidence, narrativism, stylistics; critical theory, Read more , Use your writer's ID for your subsequent assignment. Foucquet, the French Jesuit missionary thinks that he is doing Hu (a Christian convert)a favor taking him from China to France and then to Rome, and that Hu can help hi. Excellent book! Anyone who's been an outsider or. Throughout Foucquet and Hu s experiences, Spence leaves the reader with issues of insanity, control, and class to think about. I believe in Chinese culture, being given something not asked for amount to scolding. Being a foreigner in a foreign country, it is reasonable that Hu would be overwhelmed by unfamiliar. It was valuable to the research because it gave good information to include and taught more about Nixons involvement in the scandal. A fascinating account of all of the things that can go wrong when good intentions meet cultural conflicts. Jonathan Spence provokes various questions in The Question of Hu. Wu varied from the company culture in a few different ways, including his narcissistic personality., It also draws upon some really insightful anecdotes and incidents to support its claims. Foucquet, the French Jesuit missionary thinks that he is doing Hu (a Christian convert)a favor taking him from China to France and then to Rome, and that Hu can help him by acting as his clerk and translator. To accomplish this task, he needs a Chinese person to help copy some of these texts and encounters a willing Chinese Catholic man by the name of John Hu. On the basis of his Chinese culture where women were not allowed to stroll, "In obedience to Chinese custom, the Jesuits in Canton did not allow women to attend services there; nor did the Chinese even allow women to stroll openly in the streets" (Spence, 1989) this could not allow him to do that. A book Questions of Hu is a historical book written by Jonathan Spence, a British-American historian, who is specialized in Chinese History. This story is about a thief, Horace Danby who was a good citizen. For terms and use, please refer to our Terms and Conditions History and Theory is the premier international journal in the field Missy James and Alan P. Merickel. He was a professor at Yale University for 15 years (1993-2008). With a growing open access offering, Wiley is committed to the widest possible dissemination of and access to the content we publish and supports all sustainable models of access. When we have the same kind of thinking and views, he will no doubt give us a high score on the essay since we can occasionally create resonances with him. It was a quick and enjoyable read, informative for its size. Applying the liberalism method provided above has its faults. Jonathan D. Spence is a historian specializing in Chinese history. Anonymous "The Question Summary". The Big Question: A Short Introduction to Philosophy (9th ed.) Written by people who wish to remainanonymous. Oxford University Press. The reason why it can also be considered as a novel is because the book has a central theme and the main character called Hu. The whole story starts in France. Among the actions he did while in the voyage and even after arriving in Paris included eating large amount of foods at one given times, stealing a horse as well as not interacting with women and tearing a blanket while in an asylum camp. Hu gets this idea that he is going to meet the Pope. Jonathan D. Spence tells the story of John Hu, a Cantonese convert to Catholicism, who entered the service of Jean-Franois Foucquet, a French Jesuit missionary, as translator and servant. I felt that this paragraph was jam packed with facts, so the readers could picture how big this city was. This event demonstrates that Hus traditions and values are different from European culture. Unfortunately, Krebs mother cannot acknowledge his struggle., The Ghost which is associated with our fear is itself a victim of fear from two children in this story. Word Count: 1753 Jonathan Spence, professor of history at Yale University, has written a number of critically. Krebs refers to a man while Harold refers to a boy. Out of nowhere, John began to look for something to throw, and he was successful once he found a bookshelf in the corner. She lay awake shivering and sweating with each crash and boom. A brief but interesting story. This report is intended for the recruitment and selection processes of Healthcare united and the development of a new and improved recruitment and selection policy that Healthcare United can adopt in order to improve the recruitment and selection process of the company. available at Some of them enjoy a worldwide reputation, like the versions written by John Minford and Herbert A .Giles., Mahayana was in a reconstruction period when it entered China, thus allowing China to have a large influence on the religion. The three researchers of this article are Zhengchuan Xu, Qing Hu, and Chenghong Zhang. Why this culture can keep for thousands year? 2.2 Existing facilities of Student Housing at Harrisburg. John Murray Publishing. The Cultural Revolution was a big thing during Maos time. & Higgins, K.M. Is it because of the fifty plus Chinese who went westward during the eighteenth century, three of them were jailed in Canton under vague charges and stayed there for eleven years. Advertising: Implicit and Explicit Messages. There are many things that he did when he was leader of China. On the same line, he tore the blanket to show his opposition to those who captured and put him under custody.Being a visitor in a foreign country, his constant disappearance worried Jean-Francois the priest who brought him to France. Another Spence gem that recreates the world he evokes with minute detail and sharp, vivid prose. And they wrote many books to show there research result and teach the posterity to carry on. The Essential World History. There were several Chinese citizens who told the author what they thought about the Cultural Revolution., Some of the portraits of the emperor, for example, were drawn by foreigners. His quest to continue with his native culture landed him into trouble. We learn to forgive and forget. Throughout the book, Spence addresses several issues on cultural differences between China and Europe, with their varied definitions of sanity, moral obligation, and social status. If theres a windmill, he must climb up onto it and study its construction (Spence 67). He was visiting someone who had already been arrested by the paratroopers. My dear Sir,' said Mr Otis, 'you must oil those chains. 1 It weaves an intriguing narrative about a Chinese, John Hu, brought to the West in the 1720s by a Jesuit priest, Father Foucquet, in order to help edit and translate the eleven crates of Chinese texts Foucquet had acquired. Theory. Hu was to help the priest in translating a Chinese document. For example, parents would not be okay with their child traveling overseas because of merely one article written by another young adult. This did not seem like a good thing as judging by the sound, that bowling ball was huge, and would probably leave a huge dent in the earth., Within a second he called us all into the living room and said that whoever ripped it would get into big trouble. While sailing through the mid-Atlantic Ocean Hu told Foucquet that his mind is filled, Despite Commissaire Renault generously allowing Hu to stay in his own home, Hu proved to be a difficult houseguest. Moreover, In Qianlongs early age, he learned Chinese traditional books as well as Manchu language and Mongolian., Thousands year ago, many Chinese researcher had already started to research what is filial. The Question of Hu reconstructs an extraordinary episode of the initial contacts between Europe and China. If Kristof included more elements of ethos and logos, his essay would state a more solid claim allowing the audience to grow to not just high school seniors, but their parents as, Hypothesis 3: It may be Wu is not a good fit for the company culture. Perhaps China was taking an evolutionary step to democracy. , however, this question points to that of defining insanity. It is the story of John Hu, a lowly but devout Chinese Catholic, who in 1722 accompanied a Jesuit missionary on a journey to France--a journey that ended with Hu's confinement in a . His identity as a History connoisseur helps portray his book well to those who finds the History of, Believe that the question he is trying to raise to us and to get us to think about is that why we know so much about Hu? It uses an unusual present tense narrative style, is presented a bit like a diary, albeit written by a nearly omniscient narrator, and is liberally sprinkled with all kinds of insights into life and society in early 18th century France and to European-Chinese relations and their intellectual context. 1. When that ghost goes to scare Mr. Otis, he gets strange reply from him. Something went wrong with your request. World History. Dr. Spence received a lot of positive critics by major newspapers and journals like Boston Globe, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, etc. The Question of Hu, written beautifully by Jonathan Spence, should be considered an important contribution to the broad field of humanities. Here, the reader can see that the incongruity between lies and truth regarding his war experiences obstructs him from normal interests such as deciding what to do next in life. This lively and elegant book by the acclaimed historian Jonathan D. Spence reconstructs an extraordinary episode in the early intercourse between Europe and China. Richard also noticed that Timmy had this glazing over his eyes after the owners took away his fidget spinner. Because the size of China was doubled, and there was an increasing cultural diversity. Spence did an excellent job creating something compelling out of his research materials, but even at a mere 134 pages, this book still has its fair share of padding. 2. Lumire made ran down the hall and stopped at the first door he saw, quickly opening it and rushing in, the candelabra in his hand lighting the room. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. Despite all of this, Alleg held his ground and survived to give a voice to countless who had suffered similar ordeals. While Hu executed many of Dengs reforms after the Cultural Revolution, he was not welcomed by the conservative old guards, Introduction to the resubmission of R21 AI128282-01 HU, JIAFEN; CHRISTENSEN, NEIL Although Gregor had no choice but to adapt to his new disheveled room since he couldnt move it himself and the charwomen wasnt going to move it either., He describes how Danny passes out in the back seat and Alex cranks the window down to keep the wind in his eyes (511). (Standeart 137) What we do know of Hu though is from letters written form Foucquet to. HU Housing Print., Cited: Strayer, Robert. Journal of World History 14.4 (2003): Pg. This book tells of Hu Ruowang, called John Hu, a not-so-scholarly Chinese, who may or may not have been mad, brought to France in 1721 by a Father Foucquet and eventually impriso. John Hu accompanied the Jesuit missionary Jean-Francois Foucquet on his trip back to France in 1721 to help him with transcribing scholarly materials, but. I'm not entirely sure what to make of this book. I'm sorry, this is a short answer literature forum designed for text specific questions. The Chinese culture is represented as a high- context culture. 43 reviews This lively and elegant book by the acclaimed historian Jonathan D. Spence reconstructs an extraordinary epsiode in the early intercourse between China and Europe. Anyone who's been an outsider or tried to befriend one will relate to this story in one way or another, even if they never travel nearly as far. Only because this is a good and important culture., Books are usually set in different categories based on what aspect of life is their topic related to. These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community. In short, this investigation considers and questions the influence western media coverage had in its, Porters (focus on points that lead to fall in profits), SWOT (focus on points that lead to fall in profits), Recommendations , END. This lively and elegant book by the acclaimed historian Jonathan D. Spence reconstructs an extraordinary episode in the early intercourse between Europe and China. My conclusion is that Hu is not clinically insane; he is mistreated and misunderstood by people around him. The excellence of "The Question of Hu" lies in its brevity and understatement. This made him hold the view that Hu is his servant. Jonathan Spence's novel The Question of Hu covers mid-eighteenth century travels from China to the western world of a Jesuit missionary, Father Jean-Francois Foucquet, and a Chinese scribe, John Hu. He is also an associate professor in the Department of Information Management and, History Internal Assessment What are you gonna do? Time management In some of his books, such as the Grapes of Wrath, he intentionally uses a documentary style writing to give the book more life. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make yourown. 1st ed. The whole story starts in France. The difference in culture between the European and Chinese made the later believe that Hu was an insane person and deserve to be locked up (Mojtabai, 2006). March is Womens History Month, dedicated to the study, observance, and celebration of the vital role of women in American history. Spence includes a great deal of historical context while telling the story of Jesuit Jean-Frangois Foucquet. Belmont: Thomson Learning Inc., 2004., [ 8 ]. It is evident that the European did seem to believe that their culture was more superior to those of other persons in this case the Chinese culture. The whole story starts in France. It's impossible to sleep with such a noise going on outside the bedrooms. ), Duker, William & Spielvogel, Jackson. A brief but interesting story. Martin 's, 2011. It is the story of John Hu, a lowly but devout Chinese Catholic, who in 1722 accompanied a Jesuit missionary on a journey to France--a journey that ended with Hu's confinement in a lunatic asylum. I'm not, s. 3. Surprisingly, although the blanket was of good quality and could provide sufficient warmth, he just tore it into pieces. 1.0 1 Rating; $12.99; $12.99; Publisher Description. Chiang Yee is an author who is endearing in his modest humility, cheerful narrative and superior wisdom and whose style of writing allows him to be as enlightening as he is entertaining., Rodriguez, Richard. Foucquet has set out to prove that Chinese religious texts were given to the Chinese by the Christian God. The article examines Jonathan Spence's book The Question of Hu, asking the central question as to what difference it makes if the book is viewed as history or fiction. Hu struggles to adjust to new environments in France, not because he is insane and unable to function in society, but because the new culture is too different from his own. It is important to note that at present, due to globalization, the world has turned into a global village, for all people to successfully coexist, there is need to appreciate the varied cultures. A groan escaped from the bed in the room. Copyright 1999 - 2023 The book does not really discuss the reasons behind the Communist Partys extreme secrecy other than stating that the Party and the Politburo do not want any alternative power centers in the country. Coherent Cookies Policy: our aim is customer satisfaction! The Questions of Hu In 1989, Jonathan D. Spence published a historical novel entitled The Question of Hu. If you directly translate the essay in Chinese to English, there is a very high chance that the some of the content would not make any sense to our professors., In the first chapter of Professor Changs book Fateful Ties, Professor Chang mentions that even if most American politicians supported Chinese governments decision of trying to block the intrusive opium trade, the Americans still joined the opium trade in order to gain interests for America itself. In such cultures people are expected to behave appropriately and respect others. 2. Ways of the World, A Brief Global History with Sources. He is known greatly for his involvement in the Oxford movement, a movement in which many men argued for the want of older Christian traditions to return so that the Church of England could be brought back to its Catholic roots. Europeans through centuries have been very imperialistic oriented, therefore they were treating other people from other cultures differently. The reviewers agreed that This (model) is a good application that addresses a problem of high importance in the field, and Understanding the innate immune response against the pathogen will generate important information against, enrollment is projected to be about 160 in the fall, which would be up from 138 last fall. Therefore, certainly they have a plan for a fourth housing to accommodate the upcoming students. Chinese and Americans live in different cultural background, so they have different tones and views when they are writing the same prompt. It was The Eagle. He ordered me to stick my hands out and he hit them until I cried. The people who oppose the idea of a gap year need substantial evidence that a gap year is worth it. natural and social sciences, the humanities, and psychology. A fascinating account of all of the things that can go wrong when good intentions meet cultural conflicts. They are astonished that even after one and a half month; Hu has not got accustomed to French culture.According to McLoughland, 1989 his act of stealing or rather taking the tethered horse amounted to him being taken in and locked up. areas: critical philosophy of history, cause, explanation, interpretation, objectivity; The reason why it can also be considered as a novel is because the book has a central theme and the main character called "Hu". Dill's curiosity has finally become like an addition with them craving more and more leading to them taking such drastic measures to answer their insatiable, gnawing questions., The change of name from Krebs to Harold when a family member addresses him also indicates the lack of recognition that Krebs has grown up. He could eat large amount of food disproportionately at once (McLoughland, 1989). I'm not, so the superfluous bits seemed all the more irritating. Is it an extended ethical dilemma case study, or a history book, or? Though, broadly speaking this seems like a valid point, more analysis is required to assess its veracity., China Goes Global: The Partial Power is an easy to understand, entry point into a world of scholarship that has, up until this point, largely been out of the hands of the public. Dill and Jem were simply going to peep in the window with the loose shutter to see if they could get a look at Boo Radley (Lee 68-69). speculative philosophy of history, comparative and global history; historiography, This book tells of Hu Ruowang, called John Hu, a not-so-scholarly Chinese, who may or may not have been mad, brought to France in 1721 by a Father Foucquet and eventually imprisoned in a hospital for the insane. After the Opium War, some Chinese people worshiped the Europeans because they had better technologies than Chinese. How long will it be until the Publishers read my Essay editing, also If it's accepted do you send the money? 2nd ed. Though I did not care for the book I felt that Spence did a great job at making it historically accurate and attempted to make it somewhat interesting even though it wasnt for. Hidden Bibliographic Details; ISBN: 0679725806 9780679725800: Notes: Includes bibliographical references (pages 173-179) and index. Your request should consist of 5 char min. Vol. Clearly identify the problems faced by Qian Hu This part explains his way of learning which may not be appropriate in public. Spence brings the story to life with wit and a remarkable economy of words, but never glossing over any factor of the story. Not affiliated with Harvard College. Although the question of his mental state is never fully answered by the author it is clear that Hus oddities stem from more than just cultural differences. Hu is by no means a scholar, but is a passable copyist, yet he does none of the work he agreed to do in his contract. Over the past decade, the student housing market has started to emerge as a mainstream investment category, attracting significant interest from investor developers and private operators. Hus personality becomes a large question Spence raises not only with the title but also throughout the story when Spence talks about Hus way of thinking. While travelling, according to the priest, the behaviors Hu exhibited were 'Chinese madness' (Spencer 1989). The reasons are clear throughout the novel. Before Newman was a part of the Oxford movement, he was a very popular priest at Oxford, and he later became a cardinal. please sign up I'm not entirely sure what to make of this book. In the book, Father Fouquet is called from China back to France. 1992 Wesleyan University I thought I was done by this point, however, he was not.. The Question and Answer section for The Question is a great Alexander Brooking Despite all their efforts to intimidate him and get information out of him, he refused to surrender. However, the question remains if Spence's research fits within the strict confines of historical literature, or whether its narrative-driven style is more characteristic of a historical novel. Zhengchuan Xu has a Ph. He was the keeper of the gate in the Catholic Church of Canton. Foucquet takes Hu to France with him, and in France, Hu experiences a great deal of culture shock and oppression because of his social status. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. Marco Polo was born to a wealthy Ventian family in 1254 (Burgan 7 & Gefen, 1. ), 289., [ 2 ]. With the end of the Cultural Revolution and Dengs status as the Paramount Leader, Hu was promoted to Party Secretary General in 1980. [ 3 ]. In accounting, the different kinds of writing are the financial statements, the summary, 5/18/2015 They did a market study and found out that there was an opportunity to introduce, To give you my complete and honest review about this book, Id have to say that for me it was really boring, at times it was hard to follow, and the way that its written was just weird. Nowhere else will you find a more valid or condensed analysis of Chinas growth as a Global, When the Starbucks company entered China in 1999, there were many criticism about whether this was a good decision to make. Introduction If we can see this, then we harbour no ill-will, resentment, enmity or hatred towards others. Authorized users may be able to access the full text articles at this site. The electronic version of History and Theory is It appeared that they were trying to drive him out by the clutter instead of directly saying get out because they still had the feeling that he would recover. He was visiting someone who had already been arrested by the paratroopers. The classic shape of the NRT distribution, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY His character is extremely interesting, but on the other hand it is complex and complicated, that claim is highly supported by the events and Hus experiences in the book., However, our translated essay would be weird for American teachers to read if it is simply translated from Chinese to English. Throughout the book, Spence addresses several issues on cultural differences between China and Europe, with their varied definitions of sanity, moral obligation, and social status. Taken without its preface, it is a very imaginatively designed, meticulously researched historical sliver of a slice of early 18th century French Catholic society with a curious anti-protagonist at its heart, a middle-aged Cantonese convert who journeys painfully to Europe and rather more smoothly back again, that challenges the reader to think again about its deceptively simple story. The essay is a critical examination of Spencer's work, 'The Question of Hu'. This item is part of a JSTOR Collection. It is important to note from the onset that counter-argument writing is a situation whereby there are possibilities of objecting once argument upon introduction, explaining as well as responding to it. [Online version]. Retrieved from AIU Online Virtual Campus. . I can clearly make a correlation between Hu and the culture of Inkas and Astecs that we learned in the class. In this way, the translation of idioms into Chinese can be easily, While there were no statistics or quotes, Kristof also presented a factor of logos. The Questions of Hu In 1989, Jonathan D. Spence published a historical novel entitled The Question of Hu. will review the submission and either publish your submission or providefeedback. Select search scope, currently: catalog all catalog, articles, website, & more in one search; catalog books, media & more in the Stanford Libraries' collections; articles+ journal articles & other e-resources The Question of Hu Summery The novel was written by Jonathan Spencer in which he brings to light the life of Hu a Chinese who was taken to France by a priest, Jean-Francois. Or borrowed, according to your point of viewThe man [the owner of the horse] tethered his house and went off on his business in the household. 4th ed. The historical novel portrays a story of two people, John Hu, and Jean-Franois Foucquet. The tale of Hu opens in late December of 1721. It is the story of John Hu, a lowly but devout Chinese Catholic, who in 1722 accompani. Eds. He is poor, disheveled, and a widower. The question of Hu by Spence, Jonathan D. Publication date 1988 Topics Hu, John, 18th cent, Foucquet, Jean-Franois, 1665-1741, Foucquet, Jean Franois 1665 1741, Catholic converts, Mental illness, Conversos catlicos, Enfermedades mentales Publisher New York : Knopf Collection Many of Hu s actions were very rash and the European society did not receive them well. The source The Arrogance of Power written by Anthony Summers was written to teach readers about power and how it controls the nation., Sometimes though the English idiom metaphor, image may be relatively unfamiliar to Chinese readers, but because of its strong political meaning in a certain context, or have obvious western national and local history, and other colors, so it should be the expression of literal translation with original way. 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the question of hu summary