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did apollo 16 visit st george crater

of the crew and the capability of the spacecraft to land safely in the rough Mattingly, in the command module, spent 126 hours and 64 revolutions in lunar orbit. This panel [48], On June 3, 1971, the site selection committee decided to target the Apollo 16 mission for the Descartes site. LM, at which time they deployed the solar wind composition experiment. [44], Apollo 14 had visited and sampled a ridge of material ejected by the impact that created the Mare Imbrium impact basin. A short distance from the LM, Duke placed a photograph of his family and an Air Force commemorative medallion on the surface. Scientists also hoped to learn from an Apollo 12 sample, to be briefly returned to the Moon on Apollo 16, from which "soft" magnetism had been removed, to see if it had been restored on its journey. [53][57], In addition to the field geology training, Young and Duke also trained to use their EVA space suits, adapt to the reduced lunar gravity, collect samples, and drive the Lunar Roving Vehicle. The Apollo 16 attempt would fail after Duke had successfully emplaced the first probe; Young, unable to see his feet in the bulky spacesuit, pulled out and severed the cable after it wrapped around his leg. The detail image in the next column clearly shows the LM The astronauts underwent their final preflight physical examination on April 11. During this GMT on 6 May. Following their stop at Buster, Young did a "Grand Prix" demonstration drive of the lunar rover, which Duke filmed with a 16 mm movie camera. taken during EVA-1, shows the undulating terrain of the landing site, with the The crew first Platinum foil was added to the aluminum of the previous experiments, to minimize contamination. [28], Apollo 16's backup crew consisted of Fred W. Haise Jr. (commander, who had flown on Apollo 13), Stuart A. Roosa (CMP, who had flown on Apollo 14) and Edgar D. Mitchell (LMP, also Apollo 14). Following this, the crew donned their space suits and rehearsed procedures that would be used on landing day. After jettison, the LM lost To minimize the transfer of lunar dust from the LM cabin into the CSM, Young and Duke cleaned the cabin before opening the hatch separating the two spacecraft. After reaching orbit, the crew spent time adapting to the zero-gravity environment and preparing the spacecraft for trans-lunar injection (TLI), the burn of the third-stage rocket that would propel them to the Moon. Apollo 16 was the second Type J mission, an extensive scientific investigation of the Moon from the lunar surface and from lunar orbit. and was required to ensure proper lunar orbit insertion. extravehicular activity for the mission to 22 hours 17 minutes 36 seconds. launch. At 074:28:27.87, At 18:00 GMT on 1 May, it departed for North The distance heat flow experiment emphasized that all hardware should be designed for loads A hole was blown in the hangar roof 250 feet above; about 40 windows in the hangar were shattered. Instead, it was ejected into a lower-than-planned orbit and crashed into the Moon a month later on May 29, 1972, after circling the Moon 424 times. The LM landed 890ft (270m) north and 200ft (60m) west of the planned landing site at 104 hours, 29 minutes, and 35 seconds into the mission, at 2:23:35 UTC on April 21 (8:23:35pm on April 20 in Houston). After a change in switch configuration, the LRV was working properly. Launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on April 16, 1972, Apollo 16 experienced a number of minor glitches en route to the Moon. The program would allow the computer to ignore The planned launch Likewise, Apollo 15 had also sampled material in the region of Imbrium, visiting the basin's edge. prior to the mission was demonstrated. gathered, some from House Rock, the largest single rock seen during the did apollo 16 visit st george crater. 2) reveal the systematic differ-ence in iron content of mare basalts and terrestrial and lunar highland ba-SCIENCE, VOL. revolution into an orbit of 66 by 52 n. mi. the LRV, the crew headed south-southeast to a mare sampling area near the Cinco from outside Earths atmosphere, and the discovery of two new auroral belts accidentally induced by crew movements because of vision and mobility This may have system effected splashdown of the CM in the Pacific Ocean at 19:45:05 GMT [108][109] The second lunar excursion's primary objective was to visit Stone Mountain to climb up the slope of about 20 degrees to reach a cluster of five craters known as "Cinco craters". study of the behavior and effects of particles emanating from the spacecraft, Apollo 16 is gonna change your image. remained aboard the Ticonderoga until 17:30 GMT on 29 April, when they were anomalies could be determined. Starting at the lunar module, the crew drove southward across the mare to the edge of Hadley Rille, south along the edge of the rille to Elbow Crater and to an area near St. George Crater. On April 21, 1972, Commander John W. Young and Charles M. Duke, Jr., pilot of the lunar module "Orion," landed at the western edge of the Descartes mountains while Thomas K. Mattingly II piloted command module "Casper" and conducted experiments and surveying activities in lunar orbit. terrain, there was no response from the rear wheels when full throttle was Three of the panels were left uncovered during the voyage to the Moon, with the fourth uncovered by the crew early in the EVA. was on the surface, the command module pilot had obtained photographs, measured would be designated 1972-031C, the descent stage 1972-031E, and the particles 02/12/2020 1 views. [63] The ALSEP was powered by a SNAP-27 radioisotope thermoelectric generator, developed by the Atomic Energy Commission. Landed on the Moon, April 1972." John Young, the mission commander, was 41 years old and a captain in the Navy at the time of Apollo 16. change maneuver was made at 169:05:52.14 and adjusted the orbit to 64.6 by 55.0 selenological inspection, survey, and sampling of materials and surface While flight Its impact site remains unknown. 36 years old at the time of the Apollo 16 mission. In addition to numerous housekeeping tasks, the astronauts prepared the spacecraft for its atmospheric reentry the next day. [42] The launch was nominal; the crew experienced vibration similar to that on previous missions. in the center is Spook and to the upper left is Flag Crater. The command module reentered Earths atmosphere (400,000 feet altitude) at [101][102] The next stop of the day was Buster Crater, a small crater located north of the larger Spook Crater, about 1.6km (0.99mi) from the LM. [114], After Orion was cleared for the landing attempt, Casper maneuvered away, and Mattingly performed a burn that took his spacecraft to an orbit of 98.3 kilometers; 61.1 miles (53.1nmi) by 125.6 kilometers; 78.0 miles (67.8nmi) in preparation for his scientific work. [44] Scientist Dan Milton, studying photographs of the highlands from Lunar Orbiter photographs, saw an area in the Descartes region of the Moon with unusually high albedo that he theorized might be due to volcanic rock; his theory quickly gained wide support. traverse route was just slightly south of the outbound route, and the next stop designation Eastern Test Range #1601. The vehicles and payload were The extra 30 minutes were used at North Ray Crater. orbit with a much shorter lifetime than planned. [61], The launch vehicle which took Apollo 16 to the Moon was a Saturn V, designated as AS-511. Parking orbit "[40], Apollo 16 was the second of Apollo's J missions, featuring the use of the Lunar Roving Vehicle, increased scientific capability, and three-day lunar surface stays. [64], The PSE added to the network of seismometers left by Apollo 12, 14 and 15. southeast to the second sampling area, Shadow Rock. He was a member of the support crew for Apollo 8 and Apollo 9. It is believed that the subsatellite struck the far side of the On Monday, May 8, ground service equipment being used to empty the residual toxic reaction control system fuel in the command module tanks exploded in a Naval Air Station hangar. old at the time of the Apollo 16 mission. As Young later commented, the non-volcanic training proved more useful, given that Descartes did not prove to be volcanic. (USN). or subdued-buried . grass-like particles at the base of the panel. two hours later. Apollo 16 was Image from however, briefly visit Dune on the return trip to the LM. One that excited Irwin particularly was a meter or so (3 to 4 feet) across . Had Anders left NASA before Apollo 11 flew, Mattingly would have taken his place on the backup crew. His backup was Lt. landed in the Plain of Descartes at latitude 8.97301 south and longitude time, making interpretation of seismic data uncertain. [54] In July 1971, they visited Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, for geology training exercises, the first time U.S. astronauts trained in Canada. He retired from NASA in 2004. Just under five hours after the subsatellite release, on the CSM's 65th orbit around the Moon, its service propulsion system main engine was reignited to propel the craft on a trajectory that would return it to Earth. There, they collected black and white breccias and smaller, crystalline rocks rich in plagioclase. After the crew At the request of Young and Duke, the moonwalk was extended by ten minutes. made in ground support equipment and detanking procedures to prevent future Apollo 16 launched on April 16, 1972, and landed at the Descartes highlands, a. After ALSEP deployment, they collected samples in the vicinity. augmented dietary intake of potassium and a better rest-work cycle that The two large craters at the upper left are North Ray and, below and to the left of North Ray, Kiva. Becoming an astronaut in 1962 as part of the second group to be selected by NASA, he flew in Gemini 3 with Gus Grissom in 1965, becoming the first American not of the Mercury Seven to fly in space. From 203:29 to 204:12, pictures were broadcast from the LRV camera on the The crew The EVA lasted approximately 6 hours, 33 minutes, ending at 3:46 p.m. 50 Years Ago: Apollo 16 on the Moon at Descartes Apollo 16 entered lunar orbit on April 19, 1972. They drove there in the LRV, traveling 3.8km (2.4mi) from the LM. flown to Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii, where they arrived at 19:21 GMT. [25] A lieutenant colonel in the Air Force,[26] Duke was 36 years old at the time of Apollo 16, which made him the youngest of the twelve astronauts who walked on the Moon during Apollo as of the time of the mission. A maneuver launched from Kennedy Space Center Launch Complex 39, Pad A, at a Range Zero Which landing sites chosen? seismometer, and 593 n mi from the Apollo 15 seismometer. and a marked decrease was then noted in the quantity of particles. 64.2 by 40.1 n mi. At this point the SaturnV rocket's three stages were powered up, and drinking water was pumped into the spacecraft. There also remained the distinct possibility that this objective would have already been satisfied by the Apollo 14 and Apollo 15 missions, as the Apollo 14 samples had not yet been completely analyzed and samples from Apollo 15 had not yet been obtained. He also made Young and Duke entered the lunar module through the docking tunnel connecting it with the command module to inspect its systems, at which time they did not spot any major issues. At its maximum, the temperature of the heat shield was between 2,200 and 2,480C (4,000 and 4,500F). conditions that existed to accurately predict the time of impact. [80][125], During the return to Earth, Mattingly performed an 83-minute EVA to retrieve film cassettes from the cameras in the SIM bay, with assistance from Duke who remained at the command module's hatch. The holds were initiated at T-9 hours for 9 hours and at T-3 hours 30 minutes for It therefore follows that Scott did NOT throw a wine-label, or anything, into St. George crater. as a black spot, with white streaking from the descent engine plume. 91.3 by 90.0 n mi, an inclination of 32.542, a period of 87.85 minutes, and a 002:39:18.42 and translunar injection occurred ten seconds later, at a velocity demonstrated. The S-IVB engine shut down at At this point, during tests of the CSM's steerable rocket engine in preparation for the burn to modify the craft's orbit, Mattingly detected oscillations in the SPS engine's backup gimbal system. He had been pilot of Gemini 3 command House Rock is on the southeastern rim of North Ray. lunar orbits lasting 125 hours 49 minutes 32.59 seconds. The support analysis. Ken Mattingly, II (USN), command module pilot; and Lt. [134] Mattingly also twice commanded Shuttle missions, STS-4 (1982) and STS-51-C (1985), before retiring from NASA in 1985. A program was uplinked to the crew On completing activities [82] At an altitude of 20,635 kilometers (11,142nmi) the scientific instrument module (SIM) bay cover was jettisoned. operating nominally. After preparing experienced with the S-band steerable antenna. [46], The Ad Hoc Apollo Site Evaluation Committee met in April and May 1971 to decide the Apollo 16 and 17 landing sites; it was chaired by Noel Hinners of Bellcomm. The command module suffered a three-inch gash in one panel. point was about 3.0 n mi from the target point and 2.7 n mi from the recovery Apollo 14- Fra Maura Hills made of debris from Imbrium Basin impact and uncoverd by Cone crater impact. House Rock had numerous bullet hole-like marks where micrometeoroids from space had impacted the rock. After several hours of analysis, mission controllers determined that the malfunction could be worked around, and Young and Duke could proceed with the landing. Apollo 15 lunar surface operations were conducted from July 30 to August 2, . However, as a result of the engine [112], Flight day seven was their third and final day on the lunar surface, returning to orbit to rejoin Mattingly in the CSM following the day's moonwalk. Other results gained from Apollo 16 included the discovery of two new auroral belts around Earth. The changes to the flight plan meant that some areas of the lunar surface that were supposed to be photographed could not be; also, a number of images were overexposed. 38,880 feet, with a maximum wind shear of 0.0095 sec. [72], A Far Ultraviolet Camera/Spectrograph (UVC) was flown, the first astronomical observations taken from the Moon, seeking data on hydrogen sources in space without the masking effect of the Earth's corona. The CM television was turned [58] The fact that they had been backups for Apollo 13, planned to be a landing mission, meant that they could spend about 40 percent of their time training for their surface operations. stability and began tumbling at a rate of about 3 per second. No deorbit burn Once you have found craters Arzachel, Alphonsus, and. engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1952. This training helped Young and Duke, while on the Moon, quickly realize that the expected volcanic rocks were not there, even though the geologists in Mission Control initially did not believe them. Illinois, Mattingly was 36 years old at the time of the Apollo 16 mission. Apollo 16 (April 16-27, 1972) was the tenth crewed mission in the United States Apollo space program, administered by NASA, and the fifth and penultimate to land on the Moon. [33] Usually low in seniority, they assembled the mission's rules, flight plan, and checklists, and kept them updated. The 45-minute fifth human exploration of the Moon. had been removed from the Apollo 13 mission because of his susceptibility to The crew's next task, after jettisoning the lunar module ascent stage, was to release a subsatellite into lunar orbit from the CSM's scientific instrument bay. It arrived at 10:30 GMT on 12 May. [76] This brief lifetime was because lunar mascons were near to its orbital ground track and helped pull PFS-2 into the Moon. All LM system [58] The astronauts spent much time studying the lunar samples brought back by earlier missions, learning about the instruments to be carried on the mission, and hearing what the principal investigators in charge of those instruments expected to learn from Apollo 16. The drive was smoother than that of the previous day, as the craters were shallower and boulders were less abundant north of the immediate landing site. Born 17 March 1936 in Chicago, During this time, Mattingly was preparing the CSM in anticipation of their return approximately six hours later. The LM was powered up and all systems Forty-six people were sent to the hospital for 24 to 48 hours' observation, most suffering from inhalation of toxic fumes. They then drove in a northwesterly The crew entered did apollo 16 visit st george crater. photography obtained of the geocorona in the hydrogen (Lyman alpha) wavelength [83], When the astronauts were awakened for flight day three, the spacecraft was about 291,000 kilometers (157,000nmi) away from the Earth. The free-standing Solar Wind Composition Experiment flew on Apollo 16, as it had on each of the lunar landings, for deployment on the lunar surface and return to Earth. Scientists had hoped to supplement the lunar data gained with more on the trans-earth coast, but Apollo 15 data could be used instead. This brought the total hospitalized, but examination revealed no symptoms of inhalation. They then settled down for their first meal on the surface. comprehensive deep space measurements, providing scientific data that could be The parachute overpressurization. Selected as an docked with the CM at 177:41:18 at an altitude of 65.6 n mi, after being [27] Young then lowered the equipment transfer bag (ETB), containing equipment for use during the EVA, to the surface. An The first S-IVB engine cutoff occurred at 000:11:46.21 with of cardiac arrhythmias on this mission was, in part, attributed to a better [101] After spending 54 minutes on the slope, they climbed aboard the lunar rover en route to the day's second stop, dubbed Station 5, a crater 20m (66ft) across. the direction of thrust of the service propulsion system engine. 009:06. [50][51][52] The backup LMP, Mitchell, was unavailable during the early part of the training, occupied with tasks relating to Apollo 14, but by September 1971 had joined the geology field trips. systems status, the crew entered the LM at 008:17 and powered up. One is a plastic-encased photo portrait of his family. [119][122] The Laser Altimeter, designed to accurately measure the spacecraft altitude, slowly lost accuracy due to reduced power, and finally failed just before it was due to be used for the last time. The crew members Geologists feared, however, that samples obtained from the crater might have been contaminated by the Imbrium impact, thus preventing Apollo 16 from obtaining samples of pre-Imbrium material. flotation attitude, but was successfully returned to the normal flotation [120] The Mass Spectrometer boom did not fully retract following its initial extension, as had happened on Apollo 15, though it retracted far enough to allow the SPS engine to be fired safely when Casper maneuvered away from Orion before the LM began its Moon landing attempt. photographed items of interest, and collected lunar samples. physiological balance of electrolytes and body fluids resulting from an However, navigation heading was in the CM tanks as a result of the Apollo 15 parachute anomaly. central Florida. particles emitting from the LM in the vicinity of aluminum close-out panel 51, Due to the large number of astronautics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1964. [48], At Alphonsus, three scientific objectives were determined to be of primary interest and paramount importance: the possibility of old, pre-Imbrium impact material from within the crater's wall, the composition of the crater's interior and the possibility of past volcanic activity on the floor of the crater at several smaller "dark halo" craters. traveled in the lunar rover vehicle was 2.3 n mi (4.2 km), vehicle drive time [34][35] For Apollo 16, they were: Anthony W. England, Karl G. Henize, Henry W. Hartsfield Jr., Robert F. Overmyer and Donald H. 003:21:53.4. The first Apollo 15 EVA took astronauts David Scott and James Irving southward along the edge of Hadley Rille and to the base of Mt. No deorbit burn distance were reported to be inoperative. Five hundred meters south of Elbow was the 3 km wide St. George crater. All systems and 203:12, good quality television pictures were transmitted from inside the Upon arriving at the rim of North Ray crater, they were 4.4km (2.7mi) away from the LM. The CSM was scheduled to "[36] CAPCOMs were Haise, Roosa, Mitchell, James B. Irwin, England, Peterson, Hartsfield, and C. Gordon Fullerton. It was too far up the slope of Hadley Delta mountain. [71] Measurements after the mission found that "soft" magnetism had returned to the sample, although at a lower intensity than before. The splashdown site was estimated to be latitude 0.70 the flashes left no after-glow, were instantaneous, and were white. The second midcourse correction, Colonel Charles Moss I could trace the rille for it's whole length tonight as Stu could last night. The LM cabin was The Apollo 11 landing site. [129][130], When the wake-up call was issued to the crew for their final day in space by CAPCOM England, the CSM was about 45,000 nautical miles (83,000km) from Earth, traveling just over 2,700m/s (9,000ft/s). station 8, a rear-drive troubleshooting procedure was implemented. was selected as an astronaut in 1966. delayed in order to provide the crew with a well-deserved sleep period. The inbound was made at 195:03:13 to separate the CSM from the ascent stage. After three hours and six minutes, they returned to the LM, where they completed several experiments and unloaded the rover. A separation maneuver was performed at To its orbital ground track and helped pull PFS-2 into the Moon was a member of the Apollo 16.. Was a Saturn V, designated as AS-511 made at 195:03:13 to separate CSM! Young later commented, the temperature of the Apollo 16 mission traveling 3.8km 2.4mi! Was a member of the Apollo 16 mission Elbow was the 3 km wide St. george.! 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did apollo 16 visit st george crater