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heart in greek mythology

The blood collects in the right atrium. Baroreceptors fire at a rate determined by how much they are stretched,[51] which is influenced by blood pressure, level of physical activity, and the relative distribution of blood. [59][60], While in the healthy heart, waves of electrical impulses originate in the sinus node before spreading to the rest of the atria, the atrioventricular node, and finally the ventricles (referred to as a normal sinus rhythm), this normal rhythm can be disrupted. In some arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation which increase the risk of stroke, this risk can be reduced using anticoagulants such as warfarin or novel oral anticoagulants.[61]. The two atria act as receiving chambers for blood entering the heart; the more muscular ventricles pump the blood out of the heart. Blood in the pulmonary circulation exchanges carbon dioxide for oxygen in the lungs through the process of respiration. [153], Primitive fish have a four-chambered heart, but the chambers are arranged sequentially so that this primitive heart is quite unlike the four-chambered hearts of mammals and birds. This blood slowly permeates the heart through many small one-way channels. A heart valve may become narrowed (stenosis), leaky (regurgitation or insufficiency) or close improperly (prolapse). The ECG is a useful tool in detecting rhythm disturbances and in detecting insufficient blood supply to the heart. Pressure is reduced in the capillaries (vessels of minute diameter) and is reduced further in the veins returning blood to the right atrium. WebThe heart pumps around 6,000-7,500 litres of blood in a day throughout the body. [7], At the beginning of the cardiac cycle, the ventricles are relaxing. It is made up of multiple layers of tissue. The heart is an organ about the size of your fist that pumps blood through your body. Also, the original valves of the conus arteriosus have been replaced by a spiral valve that divides it into two parallel parts, thereby helping to keep the two bloodstreams separate. The heart is an organ about the size of your fist that pumps blood through your body. [144], In reptiles, other than snakes, the heart is usually situated around the middle of the thorax. These conditions are often genetic and can be inherited, but some such as dilated cardiomyopathy may be caused by damage from toxins such as alcohol. These include drugs to prevent fluid from accumulating in the lungs by increasing the amount of urine a patient produces (diuretics), and drugs that attempt to preserve the pumping function of the heart (beta blockers, ACE inhibitors and mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists). The white arrows show the normal direction of blood flow. The heart is the organ that helps supply blood and oxygen to all parts of the body. With each heartbeat, an electrical signal travels from the top of the heart to the bottom. [46], The normal resting heart rate is called the sinus rhythm, created and sustained by the sinoatrial node, a group of pacemaking cells found in the wall of the right atrium. Their influx through slow channels means that the sinoatrial cells have a prolonged "plateau" phase when they have a positive charge. [77], CT scans, chest X-rays and other forms of imaging can help evaluate the heart's size, evaluate for signs of pulmonary oedema, and indicate whether there is fluid around the heart. It is also connected in function and symbolism to the stomach. The heart cavity is divided down the middle into a right and a left heart, which in turn are subdivided into two chambers. [7], Cardiovascular diseases, which include diseases of the heart, are the leading cause of death worldwide. The heart is situated within the chest cavity and surrounded by a fluid-filled sac called the pericardium. The embryonic heart rate then accelerates and reaches a peak rate of 165185 bpm early in the early 7th week (early 9th week after the LMP). Recorded with the stethoscope over the mitral valve. This is achieved by the coronary circulation, which includes arteries, veins, and lymphatic vessels. [53] Heart disease is a major cause of death, accounting for an average of 30% of all deaths in 2008, globally. WebHeart is an international peer reviewed journal that keeps cardiologists up to date with important research advances in cardiovascular disease. Blood pressure is greatest in the left ventricle and in the aorta and its arterial branches. [109] It was thought that the heart was examined by Anubis and a variety of deities during the Weighing of the Heart ceremony. Heart surgeon Bartley P Griffith talks about the unique transplant of pig heart to human. [7] With increased pressure and stretch, the rate of baroreceptor firing increases, and the cardiac centers decrease sympathetic stimulation and increase parasympathetic stimulation. Cardiac output (CO) is a measurement of the amount of blood pumped by each ventricle (stroke volume) in one minute. The opposite is also true. transposition of the great arteries), causing breathlessness and a lower rate of growth. [96] Michael Servetus wrote in Christianismi Restitutio (1553) that blood flows from one side of the heart to the other via the lungs. [154], Squids and other cephalopods have two "gill hearts" also known as branchial hearts, and one "systemic heart". Heart failure is the result of many diseases affecting the heart, but is most commonly associated with ischemic heart disease, valvular heart disease, or high blood pressure. What started during the nascent days of cable television as a scrappy, playful music video lineup, rapidly evolved into a reflection of American youth culture. OpenStax College, Anatomy & Physiology. The pumping of the heart, or the heartbeat, is caused by alternating contractions and relaxations of the myocardium. The pericardium is present in order to lubricate its movement against other structures within the chest, to keep the heart's position stabilised within the chest, and to protect the heart from infection. The cardiovascular centres in the brainstem control the sympathetic and parasympathetic influences to the heart through the vagus nerve and sympathetic trunk. The semilunar aortic valve is at the base of the aorta and also is not attached to papillary muscles. The pulmonary trunk branches into the left and right pulmonary arteries that carry the blood to each lung. [89][92], The earliest descriptions of the coronary and pulmonary circulation systems can be found in the Commentary on Anatomy in Avicenna's Canon, published in 1242 by Ibn al-Nafis. 52, 2940 (1998). In elephants it averages 25 beats per minute, in canaries about 1,000. Hrd may be a cognate of the word for heart in Greek, Latin, and English. Murmurs are graded by volume, from 1 (the quietest), to 6 (the loudest), and evaluated by their relationship to the heart sounds, position in the cardiac cycle, and additional features such as their radiation to other sites, changes with a person's position, the frequency of the sound as determined by the side of the stethoscope by which they are heard, and site at which they are heard loudest. It's the primary organ of your circulatory system. In most people, the heart is located on the left side of the chest, beneath the breastbone. [87][88], Diseased heart valves that have become abnormally narrow or abnormally leaky may require surgery. Many things can damage the heart valves. A cardioversion, whereby an electric shock is used to stun the heart out of an abnormal rhythm, may also be used. In animals with lungsamphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammalsthe heart shows various stages of evolution from a single to a double pump that circulates blood (1) to the lungs and (2) to the body as a whole. Heart murmurs may be readily heard by a physician as soft swishing or hissing sounds that follow the normal sounds of heart action. It is located in the middle cavity of the chest, between the lungs. Webheart 1 of 2 noun hrt plural hearts 1 a : a hollow muscular organ of vertebrate animals that by its rhythmic contraction acts as a force pump maintaining the circulation of the blood could feel her heart pounding b : a structure in an invertebrate animal functionally analogous to the vertebrate heart c : breast, bosom placed his hand on his heart The halves are, in turn, divided into four chambers. They are generally much smaller than the contractile cells and have few myofibrils which gives them limited contractibility. Therefore, snakes that are larger in size tend to have a higher blood pressure due to gravitational change. [58], Humans have known about the heart since ancient times, although its precise function and anatomy were not clearly understood. Pericardial effusions often occur secondary to pericarditis, kidney failure, or tumours, and frequently do not cause any symptoms. These are surrounded by a double-membraned sac called the pericardium. These generate a current that causes the heart to contract, traveling through the atrioventricular node and along the conduction system of the heart. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. [52], Exercise and fitness levels, age, body temperature, basal metabolic rate, and even a person's emotional state can all affect the heart rate. [7], There are two types of cells in cardiac muscle: muscle cells which have the ability to contract easily, and pacemaker cells of the conducting system. In most people, the heart is located on the left side of the chest, beneath the breastbone. The potassium and calcium start to move out of and into the cell only once it has a sufficiently high charge, and so are called voltage-gated. In this case a clot or thrombus can form, blocking the artery, and restricting blood flow to an area of heart muscle causing a myocardial infarction (a heart attack) or unstable angina. Some cause abnormal thickening of the heart muscle (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy), some cause the heart to abnormally expand and weaken (dilated cardiomyopathy), some cause the heart muscle to become stiff and unable to fully relax between contractions (restrictive cardiomyopathy) and some make the heart prone to abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy). [89] Air from the lungs passed from the lungs via the pulmonary artery to the left side of the heart and created arterial blood. [135], Beef heart may be grilled or braised. In humans, deoxygenated blood enters the heart through the right atrium from the superior and inferior venae cavae and passes it to the right ventricle. Blood collects in the right and left atrium continuously. 30 Jul 2014. Some types of arrhythmia such as atrial fibrillation increase the long term risk of stroke. The systemic circulation then transports oxygen to the body and returns carbon dioxide and relatively deoxygenated blood to the heart for transfer to the lungs.[7]. [7] The signal then travels along the bundle of His to left and right bundle branches through to the ventricles of the heart. Calcium also plays a critical role. The atrium and ventricle are sometimes considered "true chambers", while the others are considered "accessory chambers". The halves are, in turn, divided into four chambers. WebSisters Ann and Nancy Wilson are the creative spark behind Heart, a hard rock group who initially found success in the mid-'70s only to reach greater heights after engineering a major comeback a decade later. This organ pumps blood through the blood vessels of the circulatory system. [31] The anterior cardiac veins drain the front of the right ventricle and drain directly into the right atrium. WebHeart is an international peer reviewed journal that keeps cardiologists up to date with important research advances in cardiovascular disease. The heart, although a single organ, can be considered as two pumps that propel blood through two different circuits. The right atrium receives venous blood from the head, chest, and arms via the large vein called the superior vena cava and receives blood from the abdomen, pelvic region, and legs via the inferior vena cava. Implantable defibrillators are most commonly used in patients with heart failure, cardiomyopathies, or inherited arrhythmia syndromes. The heart is cone-shaped, with its base positioned upwards and tapering down to the apex. Although they worked largely independently, their combined efforts and similar conclusions have been recognized in the name "FrankStarling mechanism". Webheart meaning: 1. the organ in your chest that sends the blood around your body: 2. used to refer to a person's. It has four hollow chambers surrounded by muscle and other heart tissue. The Balinese oret is a sort of blood sausage made with pig heart and blood. In Egyptian cuisine, they can be used, finely chopped, as part of stuffing for chicken. [7] Many cardiomyopathies can lead to heart failure in the later stages of the disease. It can be influenced by narrowing of the heart valves (stenosis) or contraction or relaxation of the peripheral blood vessels. [2] [63], The sac which surrounds the heart, called the pericardium, can become inflamed in a condition known as pericarditis. : The Discovery of the Electrical System of the Heart", "A Brief History of Cross-Species Organ Transplantation", "The operation that took medicine into the media age", "2022 News - IN MEMORIAM: David Bennett, Sr. | University of Maryland School of Medicine", "The Failing Heart An Engine Out of Fuel", "Out of the Head, Into the Heart: The Way of the Human Being", "The Indigenous Art of Following Wisdom from the Heart", "Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 5:8 - New International Version", "Bible Gateway passage: Proverbs 4:23 - New International Version", "Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 6:21 - New International Version", "Bible Gateway passage: Proverbs 23:7 - New King James Version", "Scaling of Cardiovascular Physiology in Snakes", "Cardiovascular Dynamics in Crocodylus Porosus Breathing Air And During Voluntary Aerobic Dives", "Dynamic Anatomical Study of Cardiac Shunting in Crocodiles Using High-Resolution Angioscopy", "World's oldest heart found in prehistoric fish". Their function is similar in many respects to neurons. The atria open into the ventricles via the atrioventricular valves, present in the atrioventricular septum. [25][26] These are mostly associated with muscle contraction, and bind with actin, myosin, tropomyosin, and troponin. The biography charts the rise of a cultural phenomenon that came to define a generation: MTV. Also learn about cardiovascular conditions, ECC and CPR, donating, heart disease information for healthcare professionals, caregivers, and educators and healthy living. The wall of the heart is made up of three layers: epicardium, myocardium, and endocardium. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. It rests on the diaphragm, the muscular partition between the chest and the abdominal cavity. The vagus nerve of the parasympathetic nervous system acts to decrease the heart rate, and nerves from the sympathetic trunk act to increase the heart rate. [97], The first heart transplant in a human ever performed was by James Hardy in 1964, using a chimpanzee heart, but the patient died within 2 hours. The muscle cells make up the bulk (99%) of cells in the atria and ventricles. On average, the heart beats about 100,000 times a day, i.e., around 3 billion beats in a lifetime. The right coronary artery also supplies blood to the atrioventricular node (in about 90% of people) and the sinoatrial node (in about 60% of people). Learn more. Electrical conduction system of the heart, Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia, Commentary on Anatomy in Avicenna's Canon, electrical conduction system of the heart, Das Reizleitungssystem des Sugetierherzens. Diseases affecting the heart can be treated by a variety of methods including lifestyle modification, drug treatment, and surgery. This produces a "12 lead" ECG (three extra leads are calculated mathematically, and one lead is electrically ground, or earthed). As these pass by alveoli carbon dioxide is exchanged for oxygen. What started during the nascent days of cable television as a scrappy, playful music video lineup, rapidly evolved into a reflection of American youth culture. In addition, the body responds to the virus However, long-term survival rates of patients were initially very low. This relatively simple pattern is found in cartilaginous fish and in the ray-finned fish. [7], Baroreceptors are stretch receptors located in the aortic sinus, carotid bodies, the venae cavae, and other locations, including pulmonary vessels and the right side of the heart itself. ventricular tachycardia). In this system, deoxygenated blood collects around the heart in cavities (sinuses). In humans it is situated between the two lungs and slightly to the left of centre, behind the breastbone; it rests on the diaphragm, the muscular partition between the chest and the abdominal cavity. Less common causes include various cardiomyopathies. Your heart is in the center of your chest, near your lungs. [7] The superior vena cava drains blood from above the diaphragm and empties into the upper back part of the right atrium. As they are almost entirely muscle, they are high in protein. [7] Preload can also be affected by a person's blood volume. The year following they changed their name to White Heart, and eventually changed the name a final time to Heart, in 1973. As of March 2000, more than 55,000 heart transplantations have been performed worldwide. [112] In Chinese medicine, the heart is seen as the center of shn "spirit, consciousness". [117] The identification of the heart as the seat of emotions in particular is due to the Roman physician Galen, who also located the seat of the passions in the liver, and the seat of reason in the brain. Although the introduction of ACE inhibitors and beta blockers has improved the management of chronic heart failure, the disease continues to be an enormous medical and societal burden, with 30 to 40% of patients dying within a year of receiving the diagnosis. [101] The American surgeon Norman Shumway has been credited for his efforts to improve transplantation techniques, along with pioneers Richard Lower, Vladimir Demikhov and Adrian Kantrowitz. On average, the heart beats about 100,000 times a day, i.e., around 3 billion beats in a lifetime. Many things can damage the heart valves. This cardiac stress test involves either direct exercise, or where this is not possible, injection of a drug such as dobutamine. [121] Kumu Sabra Kauka, a Hawaiian studies educator and tradition bearer summed up the message of the film saying Listen to your heart. [90][91][92] Aristotle considered the heart to be the organ responsible for creating blood; Plato considered the heart as the source of circulating blood and Hippocrates noted blood circulating cyclically from the body through the heart to the lungs. Heart valves can also be treated percutaneously, using techniques that share many similarities with percutaneous coronary intervention. Heart murmurs are abnormal heart sounds which can be either related to disease or benign, and there are several kinds. [61], Some arrhythmias cause the heart to beat abnormally slowly, referred to as a bradycardia or bradyarrhythmia. The septum is part of the cardiac skeleton, tissue within the heart that the electrical signal cannot pass through, which forces the signal to pass through the atrioventricular node only. some forms of ventricular tachycardia), others by an irritable focus (e.g. This article is about the internal organ. This system is a network of blood vessels, such as arteries, veins, and capillaries, that carries blood to and from all areas of your body. [7], The middle layer of the heart wall is the myocardium, which is the cardiac musclea layer of involuntary striated muscle tissue surrounded by a framework of collagen. Other invasive procedures such as cardiac catheterisation can also play a role.[75]. This complex swirling pattern allows the heart to pump blood more effectively. It receives blood from the great cardiac vein (receiving the left atrium and both ventricles), the posterior cardiac vein (draining the back of the left ventricle), the middle cardiac vein (draining the bottom of the left and right ventricles), and small cardiac veins. A small amount of blood from the coronary circulation also drains into the right atrium via the coronary sinus, which is immediately above and to the middle of the opening of the inferior vena cava. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). As pressure and stretch decrease, the rate of baroreceptor firing decreases, and the cardiac centers increase sympathetic stimulation and decrease parasympathetic stimulation. [146], In the heart of lungfish, the septum extends partway into the ventricle. Your heart contains four main sections (chambers) made of muscle and powered by electrical impulses. These may work by manipulating the flow of electrolytes across the cell membrane (such as calcium channel blockers, sodium channel blockers, amiodarone, or digoxin), or modify the autonomic nervous system's effect on the heart (beta blockers and atropine). [87], If the narrowings in coronary arteries are unsuitable for treatment with a percutaneous coronary intervention, open surgery may be required. The sinoatrial node is found in the upper part of the right atrium near to the junction with the superior vena cava. This shortens the repolarization period, thus speeding the rate of depolarization and contraction, which results in an increased heart rate. [17] Well-trained athletes can have much larger hearts due to the effects of exercise on the heart muscle, similar to the response of skeletal muscle. They open and close to move blood through the heart. Corrections? A thin layer of tissue, the pericardium, covers the outside, and another layer, the endocardium, lines the inside. The right atrium receives venous blood from the head, chest, and arms via the large vein called the superior vena cava and receives blood from the abdomen, pelvic region, and legs via the inferior vena cava. [4][5] Commonly the right atrium and ventricle are referred together as the right heart and their left counterparts as the left heart. [36][37] After 9 weeks (start of the fetal stage) it starts to decelerate, slowing to around 145 (25) bpm at birth. They include MYH6, ACTC1, TNNI3, CDH2 and PKP2. Your brain and nervous system direct your hearts function. The ib or metaphysical heart was believed to be formed from one drop of blood from the child's mother's heart, taken at conception. It is made up of multiple layers of tissue. WebHeart is an American rock band formed in 1967 in Seattle, Washington, as The Army. [96], A breakthrough in understanding the flow of blood through the heart and body came with the publication of De Motu Cordis (1628) by the English physician William Harvey. [7] An adult heart has a mass of 250350 grams (912oz). Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. [11][12] Of these more than three-quarters are a result of coronary artery disease and stroke. The upper part of the heart is located at the level of the third costal cartilage. A fourth heart sound S4 is referred to as an atrial gallop and is produced by the sound of blood being forced into a stiff ventricle. Depolarisation of the ventricles occurs concurrently, but is not significant enough to be detected on an ECG. It is continuous with the endothelium of the veins and arteries of the heart, and is joined to the myocardium with a thin layer of connective tissue. If the scales balanced, it meant the heart's possessor had lived a just life and could enter the afterlife; if the heart was heavier, it would be devoured by the monster Ammit. Only the chordates (including vertebrates) and the hemichordates have a central "heart", which is a vesicle formed from the thickening of the aorta and contracts to pump blood. [7] The interventricular septum is much thicker than the interatrial septum since the ventricles need to generate greater pressure when they contract. This process is called the cardiac cycle. The intercalated discs allow the cells to act as a syncytium and enable the contractions that pump blood through the heart and into the major arteries. [38], The heart functions as a pump in the circulatory system to provide a continuous flow of blood throughout the body. The right coronary artery supplies the right atrium, right ventricle, and lower posterior sections of the left ventricle. Lung damage caused by the virus prevents oxygen from reaching the heart muscle, which in turn damages the heart tissue and prevents it from getting oxygen to other tissues. The pulmonary valve is located at the base of the pulmonary artery. [2] [15] The back surface of the heart lies near the vertebral column, and the front surface known as the sternocostal surface sits behind the sternum and rib cartilages. 30 Jul 2014. Updates? Diagnosis of heart disease is often done by the taking of a medical history, listening to the heart-sounds with a stethoscope, ECG, echocardiogram, and ultrasound. [7] Abdennour, Samia (2010) "Firakh mahshiya wi mihammara", recipe 117. Blood tests play an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of many cardiovascular conditions. This circulation consists of the systemic circulation to and from the body and the pulmonary circulation to and from the lungs. The force of each contraction of the heart muscle is proportional to the preload, described as the Frank-Starling mechanism. The heart is an organ about the size of your fist that pumps blood through your body. A person's pulse is taken, usually at the radial artery near the wrist, in order to assess for the rhythm and strength of the pulse. [28] The part of the serous membrane attached to the fibrous membrane is called the parietal pericardium, while the part of the serous membrane attached to the heart is known as the visceral pericardium. Whilst the majority of arrhythmias can be treated using minimally invasive catheter techniques, some arrhythmias (particularly atrial fibrillation) can also be treated using open or thoracoscopic surgery, either at the time of other cardiac surgery or as a standalone procedure. [7], Small lymphatic networks called plexuses exist beneath each of the three layers of the heart. [7] These nerves form a network of nerves that lies over the heart called the cardiac plexus. [27], The pericardium is the sac that surrounds the heart. Instead, it is separated into three chamberstwo atria and one ventricle. The heart then pumps the blood into the hemocoel, a cavity between the organs. Following contraction, the ventricles relax, and pressure within them falls. It opens chemical or ligand-gated sodium and calcium ion channels, allowing an influx of positively charged ions. These are known as cyanotic congenital heart defects and are often more serious. For the computer programming tool, see, Sounds of a healthy 16-year-old child's heart beating normally, as heard with a. The first heart sound S1, is the sound created by the closing of the atrioventricular valves during ventricular contraction and is normally described as "lub". The biography charts the rise of a cultural phenomenon that came to define a generation: MTV. Some cardiomyopathies such as hypertrophic cardiomopathy are linked to a higher risk of sudden cardiac death, particularly in athletes. [3], In humans, other mammals, and birds, the heart is divided into four chambers: upper left and right atria and lower left and right ventricles. [7], Heart tissue receives blood from two arteries which arise just above the aortic valve. Fluid can be removed from the pericardial space for diagnosis or to relieve tamponade using a syringe in a procedure called pericardiocentesis.[64]. Read more about heart valves and how they help blood flow through the heart. This creates tension on the chordae tendineae, helping to hold the cusps of the atrioventricular valves in place and preventing them from being blown back into the atria. [56] In the worst case this may cause cardiac arrest, a sudden and utter loss of output from the heart. The heart is a muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the body. Your heart contains four main sections (chambers) made of muscle and powered by electrical impulses. It is located in the middle cavity of the chest, between the lungs. [6] Fish, in contrast, have two chambers, an atrium and a ventricle, while most reptiles have three chambers. It has four hollow chambers surrounded by muscle and other heart tissue. [7], Preload refers to the filling pressure of the atria at the end of diastole, when the ventricles are at their fullest. The Aztec believed that the heart (tona) was both the seat of the individual and a fragment of the Sun's heat (istli). [53] The majority of cardiovascular disease is noncommunicable and related to lifestyle and other factors, becoming more prevalent with ageing. In the left heart, oxygenated blood is returned to the left atrium via the pulmonary veins. In general, the rate of heartbeat varies inversely with the size of the animal. [7][32], The vagus nerve is a long, wandering nerve that emerges from the brainstem and provides parasympathetic stimulation to a large number of organs in the thorax and abdomen, including the heart. It is located in the middle cavity of the chest, between the lungs. The ventral aorta delivers blood to the gills where it is oxygenated and flows, through the dorsal aorta, into the rest of the body. Some congenital heart defects allow blood that is low in oxygen that would normally be returned to the lungs to instead be pumped back to the rest of the body. A part of this is called the absolute refractory period. This condition typically causes chest pain that may spread to the back, and is often caused by a viral infection (glandular fever, cytomegalovirus, or coxsackievirus). WebSisters Ann and Nancy Wilson are the creative spark behind Heart, a hard rock group who initially found success in the mid-'70s only to reach greater heights after engineering a major comeback a decade later. Journal that keeps cardiologists up to date with important research advances in cardiovascular disease Britannica Premium subscription gain. Percutaneously, using techniques that share many similarities with heart in greek mythology coronary intervention and contraction, which includes arteries,,. Beats per minute, in 1973 period, thus speeding the rate of.! Lungfish, the rate of baroreceptor firing decreases, and English diseases of the cavity! Long term risk of sudden cardiac death, particularly in athletes enough to be detected an. 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